Tuesday, February 28, 2012

BD Right - How making fun of something backfired

I had this great idea for an article. I'd write an intensely devoted blog to actor BD Wong; a character actor featured in many feature films and, more recently, Law and Order SVU. Don't ask why I love SVU and can't stand any CSI, NCIS, LMAO type programs, but the combination of Benson, Stabler, and intense sexual assault cases always sooth me on Monday evenings.

Ooh, an international prostitute trafficking
episode! Wong'll be there for sure!

BD Wong plays psychiatrist George Huange, always giving the audience their need of pop cutlure analysis of serial killers (white male, low socio economic, disruptive relationship with mother)
I was basically going to go over the top on this actor who played a small recurring role on a TV program. Some B-Grade actor getting a Brad Pitt treatment from a fan. The hipster irony of it all!

And as I started researching, I realized that if I lived one tenth of this  so-called shmucks life, I'd be a lucky man.

Firstly, his feature film credits
Jurassic Park 
Father of the Bride
The Ref
Seven years in Tibet
The X Files

O.K... so he'd lucked out on some parts on some incredible television shows and feature films. 
But I mean, what else has he done---

Wow. Hm. He's helped fight Aids. So, I mean, what two bit actor hasn't thrown away there image for some cheap plublicity.

From is IMBD:

"May 2003: published "Following Foo: the Electronic Adventures of the Chestnut Man", a memoir detailing the journey that he and longtime life partner, Richie Jackson, made towards parenthood with the assistance of a surrogate mother."

"Won Broadway's 1988 Tony Award as Best Actor (Featured Role - Play) for creating the role of Song Liling in "M. Butterfly."

Chosen by Goldsea Asian American Daily as one of the "100 Most Inspiring Asian Americans of All Time".

....Ba-Baaah (*intro to Law and Order SVU*)

As Conan O'Brian said in his interview with Marc Marron - "Everyone now days has a strong opinion". There seems to be this overwhelming desire to transfer any sort of fame or talent into the super or the "other". A great actor or singer does mediocre on an album or film and we call it a huge letdown. The whole Lana Del Rey fiasco reveals how we are increasingly putting things into two distinct camps.

Why can't something be just "pretty good"? Why can't we be happy with pretty amazing most of the time, and not "perfect perfectly forever"?

To dispel any sense that this might be going anywhere, here's a reggaton tribute (their words) to the pretty damn amazing B.D Wong.

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